low lying

《low lying》是什么意思


low lying

  • adj.
    • having a small elevation above the ground or horizon or sea level


    • lying below the normal level


学习《low lying》怎么用


Coastal systems and low-lying areas
Coastal systems and low-lying areas
Low‐lying electronic states of the rare gas oxides
Coastal systems and low-lying areas Coordinating Lead Authors:
Theoretical studies of the low‐lying states of ScO, ScS, VO, and VS
The picture of low-lying excitations in the isotropic Heisenberg chain of arbitrary spins
The Xα valence bond theory of weak electronic coupling. Application to the low‐lying states of Mo2Cl84−
Theoretical spectroscopic parameters for the low‐lying states of the second‐row transition metal hydrides
Low lying zeros of families of L-functions
Low-lying levels and the magnetic moment of the 3 + 213.5 keV state in 72As
上一篇:low level
下一篇:Low Mass